Step 1 - PowerSchool Parent Account Website
- Go to the Elk City Schools PowerSchool Parent website by clicking on the link below and login to your account.
If you do not have a PowerSchool Parent Account for your student, please email registrar@elkcityschools.com
or call the school office for help setting this up.
- If you already have a PowerSchool Parent Account created for a sibling or a current student, please login to your account and
ADD the new student to your existing Parent Account using your student's Access ID & Access Password.
To add a student to your existing PowerSchool Parent Account:
'Navigation: Account Preferences' > 'Students' tab > 'Add' button
If you have forgotten your Username and/or Password or need your student's Access ID & Access Password
please email registrar@elkcityschools.com or call the school office for assistance.
Step 2 - Enrollment Forms
If you have multiple students enrolled in Elk City Schools make sure you have the appropriate student's tab selected in the top menu bar, then:
- Click on 'Forms' on the left hand side of the screen
If you are using a phone you will have to expand the gray toolbar by clicking on the black arrow in the top left hand corner.
You can click on 'Forms' in the gray toolbar on the left to ensure you have successfully submitted all of the forms
by confirming that each form is green instead of orange.
Elk City Elementary - 580-225-7722
Elk City Intermediate - 580-225-2687
Elk City Middle School - 580-225-5043
Elk City High School - 580-225-0105