About School Report Cards

Just as students' report cards provide a snapshot of their school performance, the Oklahoma School Report Cards show how public schools across Oklahoma are serving students in a variety of areas. The dashboard available here is similar to the dashboard of a car displaying key information. Users can click through to learn more. + read more

Oklahoma's school report cards are measured across multiple indicators, including academic achievement, academic growth, chronic absenteeism, progress in English language proficiency assessments, postsecondary opportunities, and graduation. Measured at different points, indicators work together to provide a snapshot of school performance. Each of these indicators receives a specific point value that translates to a letter grade.

At the core of the Oklahoma School Report Cards is the belief that all students can grow and all schools can improve. While no student report card tells the full story of a child, no school report card tells the full story of a school. Education is far more than a single score or letter grade, but it is important that families and communities can see both strengths and areas that need support and improvement.

In addition to accountability-specific indicators, contextual information including per-pupil expenditures, educator qualifications, NAEP, and CRDC data are also displayed. Doing so allows users to understand a school's successes and challenges from several perspectives.

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Click on the link below to see the Elk City Report Card  Grades.